gdcomm 2010 fmp blog

Final Major Project - An exploration into the crossovers and clashes experienced in modern language

Imogen Stidworthy Exhibition

After being told about this exhibition by Clare, I finally went to see it on Monday 5th April. I struggled with the exhibition but learnt a lot from it. The exhibition that I really like was in gallery 4 (Barrabackslarrabang). This was a great video of four characters. Three that spoke Liverpool backslang and the forth that spoke a Birmingham version. Just fascinating to see how the English language has evolved. I found that all there was in the exhibition was audio and video, with this I couldn't take my time and look into the language visually, with my final piece I want to show case all the words I have collected. Visually I think print would be the best way for this, so the viewer has time to look at all the synonyms and take them all in in their own time.

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